Natural antibacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory medicinal plant. 

Ultimately it supports the immune system in both humans and pets and can be a great alternative to give your pet instead of antibiotics.


  • Helps improve skin and hair health
  • Used in the treatment of some cancers such as skin, breast, and colon
  • Can prevent the formation of cancer cells
  • Helps in the treatment of feline leukemia
  • Helps combat fungal infections 
  • Aids in lowering blood pressure
  • Helps improve circulation
  • Helps treat UTIs
  • Helps treat cystitis
  • Helps with constipation
  • Helps with ear infections
  • Helps with arthritis in animals
  • Helps lower blood sugar levels in diabetes patients
  • Reduces hardening of tissue especially the arteries
  • Effective treatment for dry skin and softening black patches on dogs’ elbows.
  • Helps with cognitive function in pets
  • Help soften the mucous membrane
  • Help rebalance fats in the blood
  • Promotes widening of the blood vessels
  • Reduces fevers
  • Helps invigorate the body
  • Used to help with upper respiratory infections, asthma, and viruses
  • Can be used as a treatment to expel intestinal worms
  • Helps dispel anxiety, aggression 
  • Can be used to clean wounds
  • Prevents cardiac arrhythmia
  • Can help relieve spasms and convulsions
  • Helps reduce the toxicity from vaccines
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Decreases the risk of autoimmunity
  • Helps relieve some of the pain from nerve damage
  • Has antiplatelet activity
  • Effective against several antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria

Is Olive Leaf Extract Safe For Pets? 

Yes, incredibly safe for pets and you too! Olive leaf extract has been used with pets for years and is incredibly beneficial to your cat and dog’s health. 

It’s a fantastic supplement to include in your pet’s diet either in combination with other supplements or in rotation with other supplements. 

Olive leaf extract supports immune health and strengthens your dog and cat’s ability to fight pathogens without destroying the delicate balance of healthy bacteria in the gut. 

Side Effects 

Very few side effects are known

Not recommended for pregnant dogs or cats or nursing pets.

May cause an upset stomach in some animals, leading to diarrhoea or vomiting. If this happens to your pet, reduce the quantity you’re giving so your pet can still benefit from this amazing medicinal herb but without a dicky tummy.

Consult your vet if your pet is on medication for diabetes, blood disorders, etc. as you don’t want olive leaf extract to interact with any current medication and cause your pet more stress. 

Wherever possible work with a homeopathy vet so you can use botanicals in place of allopathic medicines. Botanicals work in harmony with the body and reduce the stress on organs such as the pancreas, liver, kidneys, etc. that become depleted in nutrients and overloaded when trying to fight an illness and also process allopathic treatments through the body.

How to Give Olive Leaf Extract to Cats & Dogs

Olive leaf extract is bitter tasting so adding it into your pet’s food especially for fussy eaters may not be a good way to ensure your pet receives this healing botanical. The most effective way is to pipette it directly into your pet’s mouth or give a capsule wrapped in a healthy natural treat.

Olive Leaf Extract Dosage for Pets 

Ensure your olive leaf extract is free from pesticides and herbicides and is non-GMO. 
Dosage will depend on what ailment you’re treating and the oleoropine content. However, don’t be misled into thinking a high oleoropine percentage is better due to the greater level of concentration. Yes, in theory, it may be stronger but ultimately we need to move away from the mentality of looking at just one extract to be all singing and dancing. 
The beauty of using botanicals correctly is working with the natural balance of all the medicinal properties found in the plant that comes out in the extract. The more we try to isolate individual components as is so often the case in allopathic medicine, the more we’re limiting the body’s access to the full spectrum of therapeutic components in the plant that work in harmony to produce natural medicine. 
Medical components in plants work best when they are delivered as a whole rather than just extracting one or two components. And although components within individual plants may vary from season to season and growing location etc. when you’re giving botanicals to your cat or dog there will be a balance over time. More importantly, your pet’s health will benefit from the plant’s intelligence and its ability to adapt to its ever changing environment in line with seasonal changes.


Dosage will depend on what you’re treating as the amount and frequency at which it’s given will vary. Speak with your integrative vet to determine the correct amount for your pet’s individual case. 

For general purposes:

Tincture dosage is about 1 – 2mg per 1kg of body weight. For example, a 5kg cat could have between 11 to 20 mg twice daily of olive leaf extract.

In powdered form about 1/4 teaspoon daily.

As a tea, use about 1tsp of leaves, let it seep and cool, and give about 1 teaspoon per kilo of body weight.

Start with a lower dosage to see how your cat gets on. You may need to decrease or increase the amount/frequency so the olive leaf extract works in harmony with your cat’s needs.

If you’re purchasing a ready-made product, for the sake of your cat’s health please ensure the product is organic, chemical-free, and non-GMO.  Follow the manufactures advice for recommended amounts.

Please remember your cat is an individual sentient being so what works for one cat may not work for the next. Always take guidance from your pet, they understand their health needs better than you.

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